Tuesday, January 12, 2010

In The ZONE!!

It has taken me an entire week...but I am finally in the ZONE!! With the assistance of some Tylenol PM, I am even managing my sleep better. My weigh in on Monday was much of what I was expecting...2 pounds. I will take that with a BIG smile since my workouts were not consistent (that is my nice way of saying that I was a lazy a** last week!!). I kept my eating in pretty good check aside from a little too much vino. So, like I said...happy with 2 pounds. Let us not forget however...these two pounds are holiday weight and do not count toward my grand total!! I think that by the end of this week, I will be back to chipping away at that bigger number!!

I had a great workout this morning (thanks Adrien)...have a feeling I will awake to sore quads and glutes. I did 20 minutes of intervals on the treadmill at home (got up too late to do 30...oopps), then did a 50 minute training session at Fitness on the Run (www.fitnessontherun.net) and then another 30 minutes of intervals on the Precor. It is still SO hard to get out of bed on these dark, freezing mornings...but nothing feels better than when I return home after my workout and get to enter all my calories burned into MyPlate!!! Nothing, except of course a great weigh in that is!

I really want to stay focused this week and get all of my holiday weight off...and maybe some more. I am shooting for a killer week of 4 pounds....there I said it. It is on the record...now, I have to lose it!!!

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