Friday, January 8, 2010

Finding the New Norm.....

I am back, the tan has faded, a few pounds have found their way back to me and I am trying to find my "new normal". In hindsight, coming back right before the holidays was not such a great idea. I went from super structure to no structure at all!

I have enjoyed the last month..catching up with friends and family, treating myself to food and drink that was prohibited, and even taking some days to just sit on the couch with my pup and chill. To be fair to myself, I have also done an okay job with maintaining my fitness level and my food awareness. A few pounds have crept back on...I am only human. But I am ready to conquer the next 35...okay, maybe 40!!!!!!!!!!

My big challenge is figuring out how this is all going to work as a LIFESTYLE. This week has openned my eyes to many routines/habits that I have when living in the real world that are going to have to be adjusted or tossed out.

For example...I have always complained about how hard it is for me to get up early and workout during the week...and IT IS. Then I started thinking "why is it so hard for me...people all around seem to be able to do it???", and the painfully obvious answer hit me on the head...duh, stop focusing on the getting up and focus on the going to bed part!!! So now (starting two nights ago) I have adopted my strict bedtime that I relied on when I was at camp. So if any of you try to call me after 9:30...I won't be answering the phone as I will be winding down for my 10:00pm lights out.

Another thing I am struggling with is food. Not eating healthy...I am pretty good at that and I don't often crave real bad stuff. What is hard for me is that I want to eat smart to be strong and healthy. I am trying to maintain the right balance of protien, carbs and fat...while I eat whole and natural foods...while I watch my glysemic index...while get the idea. There is SO much to incorporate!

I started using Livestrong Daily Plate. It is really helping me to choose the right foods and proper food combinations. It is also a great tool because it's not just a journal it is a social network site as well. A few of my friends from camp have signed up and we can all review each other's eating and workout patterns to help keep each other motivated and challenged! I highly recommend it... .

Look out new year, new decade...I am building a better and stronger life!!!!


  1. I am so proud of you! I see you twice - sometimes three - times in the week and your strength, your ability to complete every circuit and your love of it are refreshing and so fun! Welcome back, friend!
