Sunday, January 17, 2010

Zen on a Rainy Sunday

It is cold and wet outside...ugh. Somehow I managed to drag my butt over to the gym for a 90 minute power yoga class. It is a great class due to a great teacher. It is the same teacher I have for Saturday Hard Core Conditioning...she is in insane shape and just has a great/chill persona. I really liked this yoga class because she goes way past the basics and onto some poses that I can't imagine ever being able to do...and I guess that is the cool part...thinking about getting good enough to do them.

I have a three day weekend and am trying to be productive with it...however, I started it by having too many cocktails on Friday night. Too many cocktails = no weight loss. I do not think I am going to hit my 4 pounds for the week....but one never knows.

I am still struggling to find a routine and to break old habits and embrace new ones. I am not giving up and I am trying to be good to myself in the process. Some things in life are just not about "all or nothing"....a concept that I often do not grasp.

For now, I am going to take a HOT shower and curl up for a nap with my puppy (love to nap when it is raining outside!). Then going to a little get-together with friends -- no wine, no snackies for me -- just plan on enjoying the company!


  1. Honey it will take some time to find the right routine for you. But you are so on the road. Congrats for your determination!!! xoxo

  2. just checking on you! hope you're feeling great. i know you're ready for that snow to GO AWAY so you can ride that bike and enjoy some spring weather. love ya.
