Tuesday, November 3, 2009

CardioRetail Anyone?

Today was a good day. They dunked me and I found out that I have lost 2.5% of my body fat -- which is a good start.

Adrien came back to the gym and did my first couple workouts with me. Then I rearranged my schedule for the day so that we could just get out and spend some girl time together. We had lunch outside (I ate my pre-packaged, approved lunch) and then went and did some "Cardio Retail"...yes that means shopping! I bought some new workout pants at LuLuLemon because mine were falling down all morning. These are my first from LLL because I have never been able to fit in their clothes!! Their tops are still too snug...but I picked out a few things that I will be back for in a few weeks! Then we just walked around and shopped in Santa Monica (see... cardio/walking and retail/shopping). I also bought some great lavender bath products to luxury-up my epsom salt baths. After our girl time, I went back to the gym for another 3 1/2 hours of training.

On a separate note, for those of you who have expressed concern over whether or not we will be able to enjoy a cup of coffee together or a bottle of wine in the future...have no fears!! I am, and always will be, a big believer in MODERATION. The reason I am off the caffeine while I am here is primarily because it dehydrates and dehydration is the number one reason people get injuries. I am off the wine...well...I guess that one is obvious (sleep, empty calories, slowing your metabolism....I'll stop there as it is too depressing!!). But yes, my goal is to come home, continue to loose weight by living life in moderation.

I must now go to bed because they put in a spin class tomorrow that is 11/2 hours and led by the owner of the gym. This class has made many grown men (and even women ;-) ) cry. I think they are crazy for putting me in it already....but I'll give 'em what I've got!! BTW...the calf is feeling better!


  1. What a wonderful reward - new pants from Lulu Lemon! And how cool that you can shop there now.

    Have fun Spinning. I have enough trouble with a 60min spin class ;)

  2. Yeah Jane. This is so exciting! I am so proud of you. All of the lifestyle habits you are being taught are things we should ALL live by. Keep up the great work.

