Thursday, November 5, 2009

Keeping It Real

Many of you have commented on my positive attitude...which I appreciate. My positive attitude is a survival technique...make no mistake! To keep it real....
  • I am homesick, miss my dog, my family and friends, my house, my life... this place is a smelly shit-hole.
  • I am so sick of all the nasty smelly people laying around bitching, gossiping and leaving their sweat everywhere and stealing food.
  • I am starting to get grossed out by a lot of the food (not ALL of it, fortunately). If I have to open up another container with a smelly, congealed ball of egg whites in the morning I will be sick.
  • I am tired of being tired and sore and always needing to ice, heat or stretch something in fear of not being able to move in the morning.
  • I am tired of being constantly worried that I am not doing enough to make my numbers.
  • I am tired of only sitting on the half of the couch that I have covered with my throw (that is constantly falling or slipping). The rest of the couch is too nasty.
  • I have to wear shoes or socks at all times in my apartment since my carpet is actually crunchy.
  • I want to be able to sleep in, drink coffee, get in my car and just drive (have not driven in over a month)...maybe see the leaves or go shopping...or whatever
  • I am sad that I am missing the Fall in DC...especially Old Town. I am sad that I am going to miss all of the fun and tradition of the Thanksgiving holiday (not the food...but planning, cooking, getting up and watching the parade and the dog show while I finish preparing the meal and setting the table, having family fill my house and celebrate the things we have to be thankful for...and after all of that, the relaxing long weekend when I usually start decorating my house for Christmas fun)

I am not having a bad day and I am not writing any of this for pity...I just wanted to keep it real. All of the above commentary is just a reality. It is also the sacrifice that I CHOSE to make to focus on my health and weight loss. While this place is a less than desirable environment, I am learning so much and hopefully changing my bad habits!

I choose to have a good attitude and appreciate the things that I like about this place...many of the trainers, the friends that I have made (yes, they are still sweaty, as am I...but they don't bother me), being able to ride bike along the beach....and the many other good things that I have written about.

To close this post, I want to share a quote from a card I received yesterday (thanks Magda!)

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone"

Let's just say...I am living!!

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