Saturday, November 14, 2009

I Think I Can...I Think I Can...I Think I Can...

Don't know how many of you are familiar with the children's story "The Little Engine That Could", but I think of it often...especially every time I look at the calendar and count how many more days (17), hours of workouts (80+), etc I have left before I go home. I know my Mom will especially appreciate this because she had to read this book to me several thousands of times when I was little!!

I just realized it has been a few days since I have posted. Thursday and Friday were not great for me...low enthusiasm, tired, sore and REALLY HUNGRY. Honestly, I eat my tiny little meal and my stomach is growling 30 minutes later!! And now the CRAVINGS have started. I had a dream that I was eating at Chili's last night!!! That is probably because I was craving a margarita, chips, salsa and guac....and a really good burger and fries all day yesterday...and I could order both at Chili's!!

My trainers and nutritionist agree that me being hungry is a really good sign that my metabolism is kicking is about time!!! Six weeks in...thanks for finally joining the party!! Well, I have weigh in on Monday...we will see...

Today was a really good day. I got up and had breakfast at the apartment then went to the gym and worked out for two hours (1 hour of strength circuit and 1 hour of cardio boot camp) then I took off for a 30 mile bike ride. It was beautiful outside. I even stopped at one of the piers and just "took in" the scenery...something I don't get much of a chance to do here. I accomplished all of this before lunchtime. At home, in the past, I would just be starting my second cup of coffee after sleeping in way too late!!

I am really ready to go home. I am anxious to start implementing my new habits into my life. I feel like it is time to take the training wheels off!! Only two more weeks to get through here...two more LONG weeks. Make that LONG, HUNGRY weeks. I am going to see how my weigh in goes and then potentially ask for them to move my protein up to at least a level B.

I am off tomorrow. I am thinking about heading to the RELAX for once, instead of sweating at boot camp. I don't even feel like I am near the ocean...time to fix that!!


  1. Jane, way to go! You think you can and yes, YOU CAN! You are very inspiring!!!!

  2. Was that dream a nightmare in disguise?
    I am so glad you learned a good life lesson from THE LITTLE ENGINE THAT COULD. Between you and your brothers I must have replaced that book many times after each of you wore it out. Can't should not be in our vocabulary. Great going!! Six down and two to go. Love you, Mom

  3. Yes, hunger is good. The body is like "hey, what are you trying to do here???"

    So glad you are enjoying your bike. Revel in the time you have left...again, SO jealous!

  4. Don't forget to snap some pics of your fellow troops there and of ardleigh, marco, etc. you will miss these days quite soon, my friend! Keep it up! GO GIRL!!!!
