Sunday, November 8, 2009

Three More Weeks...

I have done nothing but relax for the better part of this weekend. I was able to get some jewelry making done (for an upcoming wedding ...I was commissioned to do two pieces for all the bridesmaids...10 of them!!) and I had about 5 hours of BRG work to get done. Other than that, I caught up on my shows and my sleep. Now I sit, as I do every Sunday night, pondering what my weigh will have to tell me. And every Sunday night I play the expectation management game. We'll see...!

I only have three weeks left. In some ways, the time has gone by really fast. But in most ways, I have felt every minute of every day!! I am planning to take some time tonight to set some goals for the coming weeks. I think if I focus on some specifics...besides the numbers on the will keep my spirits up and I'll be more productive.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

PS...they snuck more nasty egg whites into my breakfast sandwich this morning!! Those things do not refrigerate well!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Three weeks left?! Wow. Honey, you are my hero. You have stuck with it and made the best of it. Good luck tomorrow. Tell Ardleigh hi. Know I'm always thinking of you. Who left? Vera? Mariah? Off to shower and was DHW. So thinking about the 4th for your party. What do you think? Will you send a list of supporters and friends? We want to make it special for you. Any special requests? XOXOXO Love you girl. Adrien
