Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I Hate Jacob and His Ladder!!!

For anyone who understands the title of today's post, 'nuff said! For those who do not...some crazy sadist invented a never-ending ladder that is set at an incline and you just keep climbing...grasping for the round wooden rungs until you pass out or finish your workout! Ugh, I hate it....but it burns more calories than just about any other piece of equipment in the gym!!!!

Here is a pic....no silly, that's not me on it!

Anyway, had a challenging but good day. I had a training session with one of the hardest trainers in the gym. He completely upped my game on weights. As I was doing my fifth, one-minute plank I happened to look at my arm....there was a new bump...I think it is called a tricep! There is was...with a subtle cut defining it!

Aside from workouts, I had my "Grocery Store" session today. The nutritionist took three of us to the grocery store and we walked aisle by aisle talking about good choices, needed nutrients and meal ideas. It was really interesting. She is a big believer in eating the "real" stuff in smaller portions versus eating anything processed or "light" or "fat-free". She even had us pick out some of our favorites and then gave us options for how to eat it in a more healthy way or how to substitute it for something better for your body. All and all, a very interesting experience.

I am getting back on the mountain tomorrow...fingers-crossed that my knees and calves hold up!! (is "calves" the right way to spell that...plural of a calf...or am I spelling it like I have a bunch of livestock???)


  1. I wish LifeTime would get one of these, I'm dying to try it! Will have to settle for the Stepmill ;)

  2. Love the grocery store tour. Awesome, Jane!
