Monday, November 30, 2009


DONE! Done...with this part of the program anyway! It is surreal...I can't believe I just completed 8 weeks of this insanity! I am tired and sore just about everywhere...but I am DONE!

Unfortunately, my weigh in does not warrant as much fan fair. I only lost 1 pound this past week. I am confident that I will drop this week...that seems to be the routine for me. So, final "camp" numbers are (insert drum roll)....

In Eight Weeks...
32 pounds
36 inches
9% body fat (pure body fat...does not include lean mass numbers)

Like I have stated before...I am at my halfway point. I have been this weight before...probably a few years ago even...but I have never had the momentum and resolve to continue and lose the rest of the weight like I do now. Also, I am in better shape than I have been in since I was in my twenties!!!

Today, I went on a 40 mile bike ride and did a personal training session with my coach. The rest of the day was spent doing a final session with the nutritionist, getting weighed, measured, dunked and getting my "after" picks taken. I am going to try to get them digitally and MAYBE I'll post some of them...not sure...the "before" pics are really scary!!!

I also spent time with my coach finalizing a workout plan for home...which is still pretty intense...but nothing compared to here!!!!

I am going to continue to blog as I continue my journey....stay tuned ain't seen nothing yet!!!!!


  1. Can't wait to see you! Great job Jane :)

  2. You did it!!!!! So proud, but glad you are going home to Abby. Just checked in on her and she has already gone home. She will be waiting for you with big kisses. Have a safe trip.

  3. post the pics!!! you should be incredibly proud of those results! amazing work.
