Monday, November 16, 2009

PATIENCE...Not One Of My Greatest Virtues

Okay...let me get this out of the way...I only lost two pounds last week. Yes, I am disappointed, frustrated, yada, yada, yada...but it is what it is. I worked really hard last week in my workouts and I stuck to the meal plan. I just have to be patient for my body to get the message. The good news is that I lost another 5 1/2 inches -- so something is happening!

My coach reminded me that I have lost 14 pounds in the last three weeks. Then I reminded her that I have only lost 23 in six weeks. She responded that four pounds a week is really good for a woman. Funny, they didn't mention that when I was researching the program!!

I am also really bummed because Mariah finished the program today. She is going to stay with Milla (another good friend of ours who has been in the program for 12 weeks and just moved here) through the end of the week -- but she won't be at the gym. Mariah did really well on the plan -- she lost 42 pounds in 8 weeks. I will be lucky to lose in the low 30s!!! But I can't compare, she was able to do level 2 and 3 since her second week and she is also 8 years younger than me. But still!!!!

SO...I am trying to muster up some positive energy and get my head straight. I have two weeks to make the most impact possible. Since the scale is unreliable, I am going to focus on things that I can control -- sticking to the eating plan and stepping up my workouts. I have the Bike, Hike, Bike this week and really pushing myself on jogging....both really good for the calorie burning!


  1. i am so mad at your scale!!! it really should be kinder to you. you've worked so hard and i'm with your trainer - you're doing great and your results are great - but i know that's hard on you. keep going my friend. routing for you! proud of you always!!!

  2. Sent you an email...hang in there!

  3. The scale is so unreliable and I love that Ardleigh said the grumbling of the tummy means your metabolism has finally come to the party. I have a mentor in the biz who once told me he's hungry a lot of the time. I hate that but it also means you are BURNING it up! Good. So ready for you to be back in the OT!
