Monday, October 12, 2009

And the Rollercoaster Ride Begins....

I woke up today and it was very grey and cloudy outside -- turns out that nothing else would have been appropriate. I had a very hard day. It began with my first weigh-in -- I GAINED 2 pounds. Then the measurements, I lost 7 3/4 inches (an inch here, an inch there...). Now before any of you start to comment that "oh, you gained muscle" blah, blah, blah -- I know all of that in my logical head, but it does not make it any easier. They have already cut my meal plan and are planning to dunk me tomorrow to see what is going on with my lean muscle mass vs fat. They said that they are not worried because my inches lost was strong.

I proceeded to go through the morning workouts, fighting back tears and trying to just focus on my calorie burn. I completed all my workouts today, but am just exhausted. My last boot camp of the day was not my best. Even my massage hurt like HELL! Every muscle she tried to work made me want to jump off the table and scream!! I have heard from many people that days 7 through 10 are the hardest....based on today, I am not looking forward to the next few days.

One high note again was the bike ride. I went 20 miles under the allotted time. It was only really hard on some of the inclines...but I enjoyed it. I did have one minor run in with a cement column...nothing serious. I noticed that the only time I come close to wrecking on a bike is when I get scared or nervous....hmmmm might be something to think about in everyday life.

Another positive note was how supportive the other campers were when I told them about the gain. They were all very shocked and said that they have seen how hard I have worked over that last week and that there is nothing else I could possibly have done...and to hang in there.

So that's what I am doing...hanging in there...not that I have a real choice. Time to ice, soak, heat (already stretched) all know the drill by now.


  1. oh jane. i cannot imagine how tired you are emotionally and physically. hang in there is right. you are doing GREAT! i know you and you're not a quitter and you're giving it ALL your strength and it WILL pay off. just know SO many people are routing for you and thinking of you every day. love you tons.

  2. Stay strong and keep doing what you are doing. Your body is probably in complete shock right now.

    Weekly weigh ins are tough - especially for women. If for some reason you are retaining water on that one day, you feel down for a whole week and like what you did the past week didn't matter...but don't worry, it did matter. Your body will catch up.

    F the scale and try to remember all the amazing things you did last week. Also, look at the inches lost! Awesome job.
