Thursday, October 15, 2009

Strong Like Ox!

It may be no surprise, but I am managing very well on strength exercises....even though they are KILLING me. Cardio on the other hand....SOOOOO hard for me. It is my kryptonite!! So I am sending out a request for good cardio workout play list is already getting old and I have only been here for NINE days (that's right folks....knock another day off of week two!!)

Today, I was at the gym for 11 1/2 hours -- 7 SOLID hours of sweating!! Didn't think I would make it through the last boot camp tonight. We did a cross-fit challenge which was kinda fun -- but before and after every challenge we had to do a mile on the treadmill....NOT fun after all the cardio they made me do all day. It was raining all day -- so no mountain. The food cutback is no hungry.

That is about it for tonight....want to crawl in bed. I am getting so far behind on all my shows!!! Thank goodness I can record them all here and catch up on the weekends!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your schedule sounds super tough. Hang in there. It will all be worth it. Real life will seem easy by comparison :)

    I will send you a list of great workout songs by this weekend. Between Bob and I, we have a ton.

    You are keeping me motivated by all your hard work, so keep it up!
