Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Climbing Mountains...literally

Today activities included me hiking 2 miles up a VERY steep mountain and 3 miles back down. Can you say fish out of water??? Then I had another 2 1/2 hours of training -- circuits and cardio. Again, I am very proud of myself for my performance today. On the way up that mountain I just kept telling myself...mind over matter...mind over matter. The other significant note of today was...I sweat SO much!! Honestly, I think I sweat out wine that I drank last week!! (sorry...gross....but I think true!)

I was not that sore today...but am kind of dreading how I am going to feel tomorrow. My schedule tomorrow is BRUTAL...they put me in a Level 2-3 Spinning class....WHAT??? I have never done spinning in my life and they are going to start me at a Level 2-3??? Well, then again, I had never climbed a mountain before either. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Spinning is awesome...hope you enjoyed the class. Great job on the mountain. I always think "one foot in front of the other, one step at a time."

    Bob sweats a lot too. So do I. I think it is a good thing...flushes out the system.

    You'll be a solid Level 3 in no time!
