Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ready for the Weekend!!!

So happy tomorrow is Friday!!!!! My calorie burn is still struggling, but I am hoping that by the end of the weekend my calf will heal. I was not cleared to do the Santa Monica Steps tomorrow. Instead, I am going for a 2 hour bike ride (yay me!) and several training sessions and circuits in the gym.

One of my friends here, Mariah, dislocated her shoulder today in one of the boot camps. She popped it back in place herself!!!! She is TUFF...she consults in something with military security. I am such a wimp compared to her. She has been right on target with her weight loss goals (she gained a bunch of weight after her last assignment in Baghdad). This past Monday she had only lost three and she was very disappointed. She weighed in again today...she has lost 7 pounds since MONDAY!!! Go figure.

Well...I am in the middle of my nighttime ritual...soak, ice, yada, yada, yada...thought you'd enjoy this photo so you can enjoy the experience with me. Those are my legs under
the peas. Next is Icy Hot!!
Hope all of you are getting ready for a fun Halloween!!


  1. You sure have pretty ankles and feet. I know women who would die for them. Think of all the gals with piano legs and thick andles. Hope you recoup over the weekend. Will talk to you then.

  2. I know it is ankles and not andles. My fingers are faster than my brain at times.
