Saturday, October 17, 2009

Check Out My NEW Bike!!!

I bought a bike today!! I love it...I have not had a bike since I was in high school!!! Can't wait to go for a ride tomorrow.

I was dreading beach boot camp today...but ended up having fun. The trainers split us into two teams and sent us on "missions" on the beach. They assigned a team captain for each team....yep, I was one of them. Granted our team was the level 1/2 team vs. the 2/3 team...but still! Each of us had a walkie-talkie (do people still call them that??) and the trainers would give us commands that led us to treasures or clues that had our next activity (activities included things like jog for two minutes, do the Indian run to the next life guard stand, do 50 squats, 50 jumping jacks, etc). It was a fun way to get a great work out on the beach. Very clever!

I'm about to "reach out and touch" some friends and family! Miss you all!

1 comment:

  1. I just got the chills. You truly ARE an inspiration and I think I'm gonna get out of this warm bed and go for a run! Tyler and Stacy would be so excited to know you bought a bike. They ride a lot for charity rides and stuff and they know a ton about bikes. Would it be okay to share your blog with them? They would be thrilled. I am so glad to see you owning this experience and enjoying getting healthy!
