Friday, October 9, 2009

Ice First, then Heat

So I didn't blog yesterday because I was beat, done, cooked, get it. I did not end up Spinning yesterday, instead the therapist met with me for the second time of the week (I think I would have preferred spinning). I guess she didn't like my answers on Monday. I have not decided what I think about her. Her approach is definitely not my style. She is a stare deep in your eyes, see your soul type...very granola. She has a tendency to put words in your mouth and try take you down a path that is not really on target. That said...eventually, she has some good insights. Time will tell.

I did however do some new things yesterday. Boxing -- liked it a lot...except for putting my hands in the nasty sweaty gloves....eeewwwww! I had several training sessions, did some additional cardio and then it was "Cardio and a Movie" night...just what it sounds like...they play a movie and we do cardio the ENTIRE time. By the end of Wolverine I just didn't care who killed who or experimented on who or why...I just wanted off the machines!!!!

Today was another good, but tough day. It started with the Santa Monica Stairs -- an old set of steep stairs with about 167 steps. I was very proud to do 7 ...that's right SEVEN trips up those suckers. I also went swimming today and apparently forgot how to swim freestyle without getting a snout full of water when I try to breath! BEST of the day was my MASSAGE!!!!! It was SOOOOO good.

Needless to say, pretty significant soreness has set in. I am very worried that I am not going to be able to walk tomorrow...or move for the matter...and we have a KILLER beach boot camp in the morning plus two hours of cardio circuits (it is a short day). Every night I come home and ice the daylights out of every muscle from my butt to my toes. Then I get in a tub full of Epsom Salt (my new BFF), I take Advil throughout the day/night, and tonight I am also using the heating pad for extra sore areas. If anybody reading has any other tips...PLEASE SHARE!

I have so many other things to share but I have to eat dinner (we have to eat every 4 hours on the dot) and then I plan to go to bed ( 9:00 on a Friday night). Hopefully I'll have some time this weekend to blog more about the food...people...etc.


  1. Way to go. How's the food? Try Tiger Balm for sore muscles. Smells like hell but works great. Keep up the great work.

  2. i have no tips outside of pray like crazy. i am so proud of you!!!

  3. Great job Jane! I find stretching out the really sore muscles helps - hurts at the time, but feels much better afterward.

  4. vitamin C, lots of it, always helped w/ post rugby pain.

