Monday, October 26, 2009

I am the Turtle and Not the Hare I only lost three pounds. YES, I am frustrated. YES, I want to pack up and go home. But the simple reality is that my furnace does not burn as hot (or quickly) as it should and therefore I loose the weight at a slower pace. Hey...didn't the turtle win the race??!!

This is going to be a long, slow journey that will continue on long after I leave this place. Every other time I have started on it, I quit. NOT this time. I just have to adjust my thinking and focus on all of the positive outcomes that I am already noticing. My strength, endurance, fitness level, muscle tone, and my overall increased confidence with working out and understanding of what my body can do. I also have a great new hobby in biking...and with some more practice I can add yoga and spinning.

All of this "sane" talk came out of a jet-fueled bike ride that I took right after my weigh in. A group bike ride was on my schedule. Well... I took my ipod that has about 4 hours of new workout music (thanks K), my frustration and my new love of riding ....and took off!! I was so far ahead of the rest of the group that I passed all of them on my return trip as they were still huffin it to the pier!! It was great...wind on my face, nothing but beach and ocean for as far as the eye could see, good music and plenty of time to have a serious conversation with myself. (plus I burned over 750 calories)

When I returned I had several people touch base with me -- like my coach, nutritionist, and even the owner of the gym. All had good bits of advice...and all asked about my thyroid. The nutritionist has given me a list of vitamins and supplements that she wants me to start taking...and she is changing my meal plan again. I am being moved to the "A" plan which is usually 1100 calories, but they are going to add an extra meal. So I will eat three 300ish calorie meals and two 200ish calorie meals per day. So my amount of calories per day is not changing, just the way I am taking them in.

My coach had analyzed my calorie burn for the amount of work I have been doing and noted that it is low...even for my age (thanks). We talked about what workouts I burn the most calories doing and she is modifying my schedule.

The owner of the gym just gave me a pep talk and told me his door is open if I want to talk more or if I have any questions. He also recommended a local doctor to have all of my hormone levels checked again...but I told him that I had just done so prior to coming to camp (and I am not about to spend another $1,000 for the blood panels that insurance won't cover!!!)

Other than all this drama...I had a great day of workouts. My energy level was good and my calorie burn is even up a bit ...not at the goal...but still up a bit for me.

Gotta go ice some minor strains (nothing serious Mom!)...then soak!!

1 comment:

  1. Jane: you must be pretty frustrated they want you to get your hormones checked - again! So I am so proud of your bike ride, yes, but for persisting. Read the CPK blog, among others, it shows me how you are so focused on the end goal - a lifestyle change. So proud of how you are pushing your physical and emotional self beyond its limitations. Most, i can't wait to see you!
