Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday IS Funday!!

I woke up today after 10 hours of sleep and felt really good!! My muscles were still sore...but not painful. We had a "free-style" 2 hour circuit training -- which basically just means that they give you your workout and you can go at your own pace. I finished in two hours -- which is right on the mark! Then I got my schedule for tomorrow and it is packed! I have three hours of crazy in the gym (cardio circuits, partner training, etc), a massage (YAY!) a two hour bike ride and then a gym boot camp...for those of you counting (like me)...that is six hours of sweat!

Since I have not been on a bike (for more than a few pedals) in about 24 years, I signed out one of the bikes from the gym after I had my lunch. I rode it down and along the beach. I only rode for about an hour... but I had SO much FUN!!! I felt like a kid again!! I absolutely love doing all of these new activities. I am slowly dropping my fear of new physical activities and ignoring all my old excuses (I am too old, I am not athletic, I am too fat, I don't know how to do "that", I have never been good at "that"...etc). There are however a few activities here that still intimidate me...but I still have seven more weeks to conquer those!!!

The rest of my day is for laundry and I have some BRG work to do. I LOVE Sundays!


  1. Love you Sweetheart, you have what makes us so proud of you. I know you miss Abby, but when you see her next time,you will be a new person that she will love. So proud, so excited.
    We love you, Mom and Dad

  2. Bikes are the best. So cool that you are trying all this new stuff and enjoying it :)
