Wednesday, October 28, 2009

To Rest...or Burn???

My fourth week here is bringing me confidence in my workouts. I am now consistently working out with the level 2-3 people and have been able to intensify my own level in my workouts.

Unfortunately, week four has also brought my first injury. Fortunately, it is very minor. I have been struggling since Monday night's beach boot camp with a muscle spasm in my calf. When it is in spasm it is very painful. When I rest it and treat it well, it is fine. However the second I engage it again it starts to spasm. struggle is rest it and not come near my calorie burn goal. Or keep pushing and come close to my calorie burn goal. I know the right answer...I just don't want another weigh in like Monday!!

I have worked with my trainers to adapt most all of my workouts. Today I was even able to "kill it" during Cardio Boo Hoo Hoo Camp (it is nicknamed that for a reason!). I did the boot camp (on the elliptical instead or the treadmill) in place of climbing the mountain...which would have killed my calf. I have also been riding bike a lot in place of impact cardio workouts. The Santa Anna winds are blowing like crazy, which made my bike ride today super hard. I could not even coast because the wind would stop me...had to pedal HARD the entire 20 miles.

The two things that are really making my calf better are SLEEP (I have been getting 9 body needs it to recover) and the massage therapist. She is this little woman from Thailand...little but STRONG. She worked on my legs last night and today. Last night, She was actually walking on my legs!! Today she was tying my legs up like pretzels to get deep stretches! Painful...but SO helpful!!

The last two days I have only worked out 5 hours instead of the 7 in order to try and rest a bit. I am hoping to get back to the 7 tomorrow. Unfortunately...that also means my calorie burn has only been around 2700 instead of 3500 where it is supposed to be on a daily basis.

Good news of the day is that we had the YUMMY pizza. My slices keep getting smaller...but it is good, good, good!

1 comment:

  1. Love the Santa Anna's. I miss SoCal.

    Good job working through the injury and getting rest. Tight/cramping calves hurt - I can only imagine a spasm. Are you icing? Have you mentioned it to the nutritionist? Just wondering about potassium, hydration, etc.

    One thing I always remind myself about when I get injured is that weight loss is more about diet than exercise. If you are doing 5 hours exercise in two days, you are still kicking a$$!

    Hang in there and be thankful you don't have to deal with all the influx of Halloween candy to come on Saturday.
