Thursday, October 22, 2009

Coach Swap

While we are trained by all the trainers throughout the week, they assign one coach who is supposed to be our "go to" -- whether it is for support, encouragement, working through challenges or just general info. It is the coach's job to know what our goals are and to help us work toward them.

The trainer they had assigned me just doesn't seem to give a crap about anybody. The most encouragement I have ever hear come out of her mouth is "you've got this" during one of my workouts. I have never seen her drop an ounce of sweat in the gym even though she is known for brutal workouts (and they are). When I had gained weight my first week...she didn't say a word to me!

I talked with the head trainer tonight, who I have worked out with a ton over the last week and a half. She is really hard BS...but still has a great personality. I really like her style...and she leads by example. I have seen her just tearing up a workout on her own when we have free gym time. I asked if she would consider taking me on and she said "I would love a matter of fact, I was going to ask you if you wanted to switch." I am really happy about it...even though she is also known as one of the toughest trainers. That is what I'm here for!

Other than that, it was a typical, spinning, cardio boot camp, two training sessions and 30 minute of boxing -- ALL level 2-3!!

Couple of stories about some of the other members.

One guy went out on a binge this past weekend. He ate at a ton of restaurants/fast food joints and was out himself!!! More annoying...he still lost 2 lbs (instead of the 12 he lost the week before)!

We have had about five or six new people start over the last week. One woman, who told me she was 44 (but she looked much older), was in such shock over the workouts that she picked up and left after a day and a half...NO refund!!

Now, I am not saying that I have not had the urge to do either of these things, but I HAVE not...and WILL not. It really helps to have the support system that I came here with (you all) and the support system I have built here. I have chosen to surround myself with the most motivated people and of the best coaches.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are switching coaches. She sounds awesome. But also remember that it is YOU who is tough and getting through all this. You could do this even with a crappy coach. I cannot believe all that you've already done - congrats on the 9 sets of stairs.

    Can't wait to hear more about your new coaches workouts - please share! I'm getting bored in the gym ;)
