Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I Survived (day one...anyway)!!!!!

For those of you hounding me to post...I just got Internet in my apartment. So here is a recap of my first two days.

Day One

I ended up not working out on day one because by the time I arrived, waited around (2x) for the Camp staff to come for me and did all of my measurements and testing...it was time for nighttime boot camp (which is for Levels 2 and 3 -- more on that in a moment). I learned several things.
  • I am overweight (which I knew)
  • My measurement were frightening
  • My % body fat was actually lower than I thought (since in the past, it was tested in less accurate ways - here they dunk you which is the most accurate measurement)
  • My fitness level is not so hot, which I pretty much knew -- BUT when I got my schedule for day 2...they had set my level at 1/2!!!! 1/2!!!!!! ( they have three levels - 1, 2, 3) ...a 1/2!!!!!
  • Oh, and apparently, I am old! This camp is filled with 20 and 30 somethings...and I should clarify, mid-thirty somethings!

My apartment is bare bones...feels very much like the apartment I lived in my third year of college. I have already sent word for some "emergency supplies to be sent to me (ie towels, a big throw to cover the couch, etc). I do give them props for the bed and the TV.


Well, of course today I woke FULL of anticipation and nerves. But I have to say, I am proud of what I delivered. I worked out for 5 1/2 hours today and NONE of it was easy. Workouts this morning included yoga ( did well...but need much more "flow" to my practice) and a long walk on the beach (which I smoked...was definitely sweating and huffin it...but made great time and completed it). THEN I had three hours straight of workouts after lunch. I will be honest and tell you that at many points I thought I might die. I also thought...what in the world have I gotten myself into. I had two, one hour boot camps...both PAINFUL...but I did really well and did not wimp out on anything....not that they let you. In between the boot camps I had an hour of intense cardio (treadmill, elliptical and bike - 20 minutes of intervals on each). With all of this...I only burned 3500 calories. I say only because many people were up over 4000. I guess that is where being a 42 year old woman with marginal thyroid numbers comes into play. I will just have to keep pushing.

The group that I do most of my workouts with is very nice. The campers as a whole are great...very helpful, encouraging and they all can relate. I did find out that I am NOT a 1/2... I am a 1 - 2 -- meaning depending on the workout I am either a 1 or a 2. SO much better than being a HALF!!!

Sorry this is a long post...trying to capture two days! I am going to run now...need to soak in epsen salt and then watch Biggest Loser...wonder if I will still like it, or if it will give me flashbacks of today...?


  1. I was worn out reading your post. You are a better person than I could be. I would have been on the first plane home. We are rooting for you 100%. Know you can do anything you put your mind to. Love you dearly, Mom

  2. Awesome job Jane! Keep up the great work and thank you for posting. Was thinking about you :) 3500 calories = 1 lb, so you are already down one just through exercise in one day. Can't wait to hear more.
