Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Yes, I am Alive and Ready to Continue Blogging!

I can't believe it has been a week since I returned home. Life has been crazy since the night I landed at DCA! It has been SO wonderful to see so many of my friends, be in my home (which I LOVE) and luv on my pup Abby!

It has been VERY difficult to figure out what I do everyday. It is bazaar... I feel like I have stepped into a past life...somebody else's life. Don't get me wrong, it is a great life! I live in the same place, surrounded by the same wonderful people, work in this great place that I created...but I am a different person. I am struggling to find the right balance.

I lost two more pounds my first week and and have found them this week... I just want to get through LEAST maintaining my loss and the muscle tone that I worked so hard to develop. December makes me nervous for all the obvious reasons...welcome home get togethers, holidays, catch-up sessions, etc. I am, however, very confident that I will take off the next 35 come January. I can envision the new life -- I just need to put it into play.

On the positive side.... I have had some GREAT workouts since I am home. I have worked out with my trainer (Adrien at Fitness on the Run) three times and done some classes at Sport and Heath in the OT. Such a difference from my old workouts here at home!!! Also on Saturday, I spent about 8 hours trying on every piece of clothing that was in my closet. VERY little fit me. It was not until I did this that I realized just how much weight (and inches) I have lost. BIG emotional impact. I will close this post by sharing a few pics....

First, my "before and after" of my face (someday I might show all of the pics...but for now, just my face) ( WARNING: These pics are SANS MAKE-UP!!)

Next, pics of me trying on old clothing and the MOUND of clothing that no longer fits!!!

And last, some pics since I have been home at my welcome home gathering

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Luggage packed...heading to LAX!!!

Wow...I just put make-up on for the first time in two months! I also put on my Cartier watch instead of my heart rate monitor/ Gucci shoes instead of sneakers and packed up my Prada purse instead of my Northface backpack....IT'S ME...I am back!!!!

Looking forward to the next few weeks as I explore how to blend these two people into one whole, happy person!

Monday, November 30, 2009


DONE! Done...with this part of the program anyway! It is surreal...I can't believe I just completed 8 weeks of this insanity! I am tired and sore just about everywhere...but I am DONE!

Unfortunately, my weigh in does not warrant as much fan fair. I only lost 1 pound this past week. I am confident that I will drop this week...that seems to be the routine for me. So, final "camp" numbers are (insert drum roll)....

In Eight Weeks...
32 pounds
36 inches
9% body fat (pure body fat...does not include lean mass numbers)

Like I have stated before...I am at my halfway point. I have been this weight before...probably a few years ago even...but I have never had the momentum and resolve to continue and lose the rest of the weight like I do now. Also, I am in better shape than I have been in since I was in my twenties!!!

Today, I went on a 40 mile bike ride and did a personal training session with my coach. The rest of the day was spent doing a final session with the nutritionist, getting weighed, measured, dunked and getting my "after" picks taken. I am going to try to get them digitally and MAYBE I'll post some of them...not sure...the "before" pics are really scary!!!

I also spent time with my coach finalizing a workout plan for home...which is still pretty intense...but nothing compared to here!!!!

I am going to continue to blog as I continue my journey....stay tuned ain't seen nothing yet!!!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Two more days....and a long flight home!

I don't think I have ever been more ready to do anything in my life! I am packed and counting the days, hours and minutes. So instead of thinking about what I miss at home, I decided to think about what I will miss here when I leave. Such as...

1) Riding bike along the coastline (this is a BIG one)
2) The trainers...they are all great.
3) Friends that I have met is great to be able to talk with those that are fighting the same battle.
4) Being in a safe, no-judgement environment
5) Being able to work out for seven hours or more a day (...I almost wrote that with a straight face! )

That is really about it.... but I'll keep thinking.

On a completely different note... As I have shared, I am only about half way to my goals. My "Journey" is far from over. So I am trying to decide if I should continue the blog when I get home. I welcome your thoughts!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Final Friday!

As I head into my final weekend, I am feeling good. Aside from not getting enough sleep...I am like a kid at Christmas...I can't sleep because I am so excited to go home! Last night I tossed and turned for three hours!!

Today, just like every Friday, we went to the Santa Monica Stairs. I did two trips and then decided that I did not want my calves to be killing me for the next four days. So...I jogged! I jogged all through the neighborhood by the stairs which includes stunning homes and a breath taking view of the was beautiful!!! AND I was jogging!! Suddenly, I found a comfortable pace and it just worked. I still mixed in a good bit of speed walking...but I easily jogged more than half of the time.

Back at the gym it was kind of a light day. I had a circuit, a private training session, a nutrition session and a massage. My last massage. It was good. Tonight I plan on starting to pack and I have a little bit of BRG work to complete.

I found this within a one-hour span a guy at the gym told me that I don't even look like I need to be in the program anymore...and then...the housekeeper told me I still need to lose more weight (it was broken English...not meant to be an insult...she is actually really sweet)!!! Just goes to show you how subjective this stuff is!!! As far as my opinion...I am happy and feeling good -- have a good way to go, but am happy for where I am!

Hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving and are enjoying the holiday weekend!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I know I can, I know I can, I know I can...

I have officially moved from "think" to "know". I can't explain the how or why...but I woke up this morning just KNOWING that I could do the Bike, Hike, Bike...KNOWING that I can make it to my goal weight...KNOWING that I can maintain an active healthy lifestyle.

The BHB was amazing. I had completely head-tripped myself into believing that I couldn't do it...and I not only did it...I led the pack and finished it in THREE hours!!! To be fair...I only lead the pack that I left the gym with, while two of the more fit people had left early....they would have smoked me on the mountain (but I can beat them on bike :-) )!

I can't remember if I have described the BHB -- it is a 15 mile bike ride, then a one mile straight up hill on bike, then a 4 mile hike (climbing up almost 1,000 feet in the first mile), then a 15 mile ride home. It is the same hike that I have done in the past...however in the past I was driven to and from in a van! Here are some pics from the hike...

Since I was pretty far ahead of my group, I did the entire trip by myself. I really enjoyed it...riding along the beach, hiking to the top of the mountain where you can see LA, the oceanfront and all of the beautiful homes...but most of all, I enjoyed just appreciating what I am now capable of doing! I just got such a kick out of the fact that me...lazy, lay on the couch, don't like to sweat, don't like the bugs outside, not athletic Jane... was out there just doing it, doing it well, and enjoying it!! Granted, the bugs still suck.

So many people here are afraid to go home. They want to stay in this safe environment and don't trust themselves with their own lives. I can't wait to start my new life at home! This is how I always have wanted to live and now I KNOW I can!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Making My Final Stretch Count!

Next week at this time I will be at home playing with Abby!!! I can not wait to get home! But first, I have a few more things to accomplish. I have four more full workout days (tomorrow, Thursday, Friday and Saturday)...the gym is close on Thanksgiving but am planning on working out on my own. Monday will be a light day since I will be doing all of my final testing and getting my pics taken. In my last four workout days I want to:

1) conquer the BHB
2) jog at LEAST half of the "pier run" -- this is on the beach and we go from one pier to another
3) ride all the way to Redondo beach (next beach down from Hermosa)
4) lose at LEAST 4 more pounds

Tomorrow is BHB and I am trying not to psych myself out. I will be scares me. I know I can do it ...but it is gonna be painful!!! We are starting at 8:30 in the morning. I need to go to bed now!!

I am going to do the "pier run" on Thanksgiving and I am going to do the Redondo beach ride on Friday or Saturday....and , well, you all know when weigh in is...that's right, let's say it all together....MONDAY.

Monday, November 23, 2009


EIGHT pounds!!!! Total for seven weeks....31 pounds and 34 inches!!!! I am baffled...but thankful! Last week I thought that my original goal of losing between 35 and 40 pounds was not possible. Today, the game has changed...original goal is back on!!

I really needed this good news to carry me through this week. Now, I am focused and ready to rip through this week. Started today with a 25 mile bike ride, followed by two training sessions and 90 minutes of was an early day for me since I cut back to only two night time boot camps.

I found out today that the gym is not even going to be open on Thursday. Kind of a bummer...I was planning on just pretending it was just a normal day. The gym is getting really empty. After tomorrow, the only people left here are going to be the international folks...Mila and me (Mila is the lawyer who moved here after 12 weeks on the program). I think there are only six of us. One woman from South Africa and one from England are talking about going to Universal Studios on Thursday. I am thinking I will get up and do a long bike ride that day and then join them.

I am off to eat yet another mediocre meal...but I can deal with that since I had a GREAT weigh in!!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Legs on Ice for the Weekend!

I am getting lazy on my blogging! It was a very relaxing weekend. Friday night I had some friends over to watch movies. We stayed up until after midnight...which I have not done since being here!! It is really great talking with others going through the same struggles. Although sometimes the conversation can backslide into gossip and complaining...negative energy is NOT what I need or want.

Saturday and today I really just chilled. I watched movies and worked on jewelry while continuously icing my legs. They are starting to feel a little better. I actually walked over to the store today like a normal person!! I am a little nervous about taking two days off, but my legs really did not give me a choice. On Friday, one of my trainers told me that I should take the two days to recover...he was speaking "off the record" of course!

Tomorrow will conclude week 7 and start MY LAST WEEK!!!! I am so excited to go home. I want to be in charge of my life again! The routine here is very is the food. I have been figuring out my workout and eating plan for regular life...and I am actually optimistic about living a healthy life...while still having some fun ;-) !!

Abby went to the pet resort today. I have been watching her on the cybercam all day until they turned off the lights at 9:00 EST...don't they know mommies might be on the west coast???? She seems to be doing okay so far. I wish the camera had audio so I would know if she was whimpering or not. Maybe I am better off not knowing!

I hope all of you have had a good weekend and are looking forward to a short week and LONG weekend!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Taking on the Coast

I woke up at about 3:00 AM with insane cramps in my rigth that pretty much nixed my plan to do the BHB. I did however do the bike part. I rode up to the mountain that we hike...which involved getting up a long, steep street that leads to the base of the was a wicked bi#*%!! Then for some reason...I think it was guilt...I decided to take on the coast. I knew I needed to burn more calories so I rode back down the street and proceeded to ride all the way from Palisades to Manhattan Beach -- I later found out I rode 44 miles!

As a result of my adventure, I am so miserably sore that I had to make it an early day. I felt like hell ...sore, achy, freezing...I came home took a hot shower and crawled in bed. I keep telling myself that this is what my body needed...but another voice in my head keeps mocking and taunting me about my crappy weigh in and the fact that I am not close to my goal. BTW, weighed this morning and have only lost one pound so far this week...which means unless something mystical happens, my Monday weigh in is going to low again. This place is making me crazy...on what planet is a 44 mile bike ride NOT ENOUGH?????

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

One Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty...

...steps!!!! That is right, we did the Santa Monica Stairs today and I completed ELEVEN trips! That tops my best by two! I also had one of the hardest personal training sessions that I have had since I arrived...thought I was gonna die!!!

I am going to do a mid week weigh in to see what is going on. I figure that if it is good, I will be happy and it will renew my purpose for being here. If it is bad, perhaps it will kick me in the a**
and make me kill it on Friday, Saturday and Sunday!!

Tomorrow I am scheduled to do the Bike, Hike, Bike...I am ASCARED!!!! It is a very intense 3-4 hour workout (depending on how fast you move). I told my coach (who is also responsible for our schedules) to keep hour five open for me as well...just in case!!!

I realized when I got home last night that in two weeks (from last night), I will be home with my sweet doggy!!!!! I can't wait! I also can't wait to be able to take a hot bath in my wonderful bathtub. I will not miss having to break my bath time in two parts...upper and lower body...the tub in this apartment is like 4 ft. !!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

PATIENCE...Not One Of My Greatest Virtues

Okay...let me get this out of the way...I only lost two pounds last week. Yes, I am disappointed, frustrated, yada, yada, yada...but it is what it is. I worked really hard last week in my workouts and I stuck to the meal plan. I just have to be patient for my body to get the message. The good news is that I lost another 5 1/2 inches -- so something is happening!

My coach reminded me that I have lost 14 pounds in the last three weeks. Then I reminded her that I have only lost 23 in six weeks. She responded that four pounds a week is really good for a woman. Funny, they didn't mention that when I was researching the program!!

I am also really bummed because Mariah finished the program today. She is going to stay with Milla (another good friend of ours who has been in the program for 12 weeks and just moved here) through the end of the week -- but she won't be at the gym. Mariah did really well on the plan -- she lost 42 pounds in 8 weeks. I will be lucky to lose in the low 30s!!! But I can't compare, she was able to do level 2 and 3 since her second week and she is also 8 years younger than me. But still!!!!

SO...I am trying to muster up some positive energy and get my head straight. I have two weeks to make the most impact possible. Since the scale is unreliable, I am going to focus on things that I can control -- sticking to the eating plan and stepping up my workouts. I have the Bike, Hike, Bike this week and really pushing myself on jogging....both really good for the calorie burning!

This One Is For You Josh!!

Now THAT is a bicycle fit
for a princess!
Thanks Josh!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I Think I Can...I Think I Can...I Think I Can...

Don't know how many of you are familiar with the children's story "The Little Engine That Could", but I think of it often...especially every time I look at the calendar and count how many more days (17), hours of workouts (80+), etc I have left before I go home. I know my Mom will especially appreciate this because she had to read this book to me several thousands of times when I was little!!

I just realized it has been a few days since I have posted. Thursday and Friday were not great for me...low enthusiasm, tired, sore and REALLY HUNGRY. Honestly, I eat my tiny little meal and my stomach is growling 30 minutes later!! And now the CRAVINGS have started. I had a dream that I was eating at Chili's last night!!! That is probably because I was craving a margarita, chips, salsa and guac....and a really good burger and fries all day yesterday...and I could order both at Chili's!!

My trainers and nutritionist agree that me being hungry is a really good sign that my metabolism is kicking is about time!!! Six weeks in...thanks for finally joining the party!! Well, I have weigh in on Monday...we will see...

Today was a really good day. I got up and had breakfast at the apartment then went to the gym and worked out for two hours (1 hour of strength circuit and 1 hour of cardio boot camp) then I took off for a 30 mile bike ride. It was beautiful outside. I even stopped at one of the piers and just "took in" the scenery...something I don't get much of a chance to do here. I accomplished all of this before lunchtime. At home, in the past, I would just be starting my second cup of coffee after sleeping in way too late!!

I am really ready to go home. I am anxious to start implementing my new habits into my life. I feel like it is time to take the training wheels off!! Only two more weeks to get through here...two more LONG weeks. Make that LONG, HUNGRY weeks. I am going to see how my weigh in goes and then potentially ask for them to move my protein up to at least a level B.

I am off tomorrow. I am thinking about heading to the RELAX for once, instead of sweating at boot camp. I don't even feel like I am near the ocean...time to fix that!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Picking up the Pace!

Whew...I hiked that mountain so fast you'd think there was a Neiman's having a Last Call shoe sale at the top!! I shaved another 12 minutes off my time to the top. It felt really good and my legs were strong the entire time. Of course Mariah was JOGGING in front of me...yes, UP the mountain....but still, it was my personal best.

I had a posture and alignment class today. It is amazing...the coach worked with me for a half hour and completely opened up my lower back and hips. Then she put each leg in traction for 15 minutes which completely re-aligns the body. I try to have this class at least once a week. I have also asked for the coach to send me all the exercises so that I can do them at home.

The rest of my day was pretty easy which is a good thing because I have been going pretty hard this week. Tomorrow is looking challenging as well. Now that I am doing well on the hike, my next big challenge is Bike, Hike, Bike (see description in one of my previous posts). I think I am going to try the "Bike" part of it tomorrow to see if I can handle it. I am only worried about the very last part of it which is a long street leading up the mountain that is entirely uphill.

Almost done with week 6.... the weeks are starting to go a little faster. I can't wait to come home and see everyone. I hate being so far away from all my peeps!!! Hope everyone is doing well!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I Hate Jacob and His Ladder!!!

For anyone who understands the title of today's post, 'nuff said! For those who do not...some crazy sadist invented a never-ending ladder that is set at an incline and you just keep climbing...grasping for the round wooden rungs until you pass out or finish your workout! Ugh, I hate it....but it burns more calories than just about any other piece of equipment in the gym!!!!

Here is a silly, that's not me on it!

Anyway, had a challenging but good day. I had a training session with one of the hardest trainers in the gym. He completely upped my game on weights. As I was doing my fifth, one-minute plank I happened to look at my arm....there was a new bump...I think it is called a tricep! There is was...with a subtle cut defining it!

Aside from workouts, I had my "Grocery Store" session today. The nutritionist took three of us to the grocery store and we walked aisle by aisle talking about good choices, needed nutrients and meal ideas. It was really interesting. She is a big believer in eating the "real" stuff in smaller portions versus eating anything processed or "light" or "fat-free". She even had us pick out some of our favorites and then gave us options for how to eat it in a more healthy way or how to substitute it for something better for your body. All and all, a very interesting experience.

I am getting back on the mountain tomorrow...fingers-crossed that my knees and calves hold up!! (is "calves" the right way to spell that...plural of a calf...or am I spelling it like I have a bunch of livestock???)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hot Damn!

I lost another SIX pounds!!! SO happy!! Inches went up to 26 lost. I also got dunked to determine if I lost any lean mass and I didn't, all six pounds were from body fat! What a great way to start week six.

Then I looked at my schedule for the day...Hello Level 3!!! All my workouts today were advanced and tomorrow they are as well! I am still weak on my running, but am working on it. Today Marco, the trainer who wants to come up with more challenging bike rides (past blog), took about five of us on a ride. We went all the way down to Hermosa Beach. As if that was not enough, he had us do Indian Rely all the way there! Indian Rely is when the last person in the line has to race to the front of the line, passing everyone in the line. Then the next goes...and so on. I burned over 1000 calories on that ride!!!

My knees and calves are still killing me...but it seems a little more worth it when my numbers are strong!!! Time for Icy Hot ...then to bed I go!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Three More Weeks...

I have done nothing but relax for the better part of this weekend. I was able to get some jewelry making done (for an upcoming wedding ...I was commissioned to do two pieces for all the bridesmaids...10 of them!!) and I had about 5 hours of BRG work to get done. Other than that, I caught up on my shows and my sleep. Now I sit, as I do every Sunday night, pondering what my weigh will have to tell me. And every Sunday night I play the expectation management game. We'll see...!

I only have three weeks left. In some ways, the time has gone by really fast. But in most ways, I have felt every minute of every day!! I am planning to take some time tonight to set some goals for the coming weeks. I think if I focus on some specifics...besides the numbers on the will keep my spirits up and I'll be more productive.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

PS...they snuck more nasty egg whites into my breakfast sandwich this morning!! Those things do not refrigerate well!!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Stairway to ...the Weekend

Every Friday we do the Santa Monica Stairs (SMS). I had to sit out last week due to my calf injury. I did pretty well today, but my calf started hurting about halfway through. I searched the Internet to find some pictures of the SHS so you could see them...these don't do them justice because you can't capture all 180 of them in one photo, but you can get the idea. I completed eight trips today (down from my best of nine...but my leg hurt).

I had a progress meeting with my coach today. She and I are working on a program for when I get home. She also told me to start taking Sundays off ...YAY! I am very glad I switched to her as my coach...she is great.

Also on the schedule today was a bike ride. It was the typical ride to Manhattan Beach (20 mls). Mariah and I made such good time on the ride that when the trainer got back to the gym(they usually ride with the slowest person), he said that he wants to create a new ride for us that will challenge us more. He wants to have the van drop us off way down the coast and for the three of us to ride back...for FOUR hours!! Ugh....although, I bet it will be beautiful.

On a sad note, one of my closest friends here left today. I already miss her. She lost 38 pounds in 7 weeks. She still has a significant amount to lose, but the difference in her before and after pics was amazing. I need to get used to people that I like leaving...the closer Thanksgiving comes, the fewer of my friends will be around. I started taking a poll today and so far I know of only 6 people who will be here that week. I'll be in my home stretch by then so maybe it won't matter as much.

I hope everyone is settling in for a nice weekend!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Keeping It Real

Many of you have commented on my positive attitude...which I appreciate. My positive attitude is a survival technique...make no mistake! To keep it real....
  • I am homesick, miss my dog, my family and friends, my house, my life... this place is a smelly shit-hole.
  • I am so sick of all the nasty smelly people laying around bitching, gossiping and leaving their sweat everywhere and stealing food.
  • I am starting to get grossed out by a lot of the food (not ALL of it, fortunately). If I have to open up another container with a smelly, congealed ball of egg whites in the morning I will be sick.
  • I am tired of being tired and sore and always needing to ice, heat or stretch something in fear of not being able to move in the morning.
  • I am tired of being constantly worried that I am not doing enough to make my numbers.
  • I am tired of only sitting on the half of the couch that I have covered with my throw (that is constantly falling or slipping). The rest of the couch is too nasty.
  • I have to wear shoes or socks at all times in my apartment since my carpet is actually crunchy.
  • I want to be able to sleep in, drink coffee, get in my car and just drive (have not driven in over a month)...maybe see the leaves or go shopping...or whatever
  • I am sad that I am missing the Fall in DC...especially Old Town. I am sad that I am going to miss all of the fun and tradition of the Thanksgiving holiday (not the food...but planning, cooking, getting up and watching the parade and the dog show while I finish preparing the meal and setting the table, having family fill my house and celebrate the things we have to be thankful for...and after all of that, the relaxing long weekend when I usually start decorating my house for Christmas fun)

I am not having a bad day and I am not writing any of this for pity...I just wanted to keep it real. All of the above commentary is just a reality. It is also the sacrifice that I CHOSE to make to focus on my health and weight loss. While this place is a less than desirable environment, I am learning so much and hopefully changing my bad habits!

I choose to have a good attitude and appreciate the things that I like about this place...many of the trainers, the friends that I have made (yes, they are still sweaty, as am I...but they don't bother me), being able to ride bike along the beach....and the many other good things that I have written about.

To close this post, I want to share a quote from a card I received yesterday (thanks Magda!)

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone"

Let's just say...I am living!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

In Need of ZZZZZZZ's

For the first time, I had trouble getting to sleep last night which resulted in me only sleeping about six hours. That does not come close to what I need to get through the days here!! So...I was DDDDRRRRAGGGGIIINNNGGGGG today!

The spin class was ridiculous!!! But I made it all the way through and did almost everything. I also had a cardio boot camp, abs/core workout, personal training session (which was HARD) and did intervals for about an hour on the treadmill. Then I came home and almost fell asleep while soaking in a hot tub!!

I am having a hard time not getting caught up in the numbers. I really want big losses and am worried that I won't hit them. While I lost 15 in my first month, I really want to lose 20 in my second month. I know that the most important part is what I am learning and the habits that I am establishing...that is what is going to help me take off the rest of the weight that I want to lose and keep it off. That said, I want BIG numbers!!!

Being really tired today did not I am planning on being in bed by 8:00 tonight. My day tomorrow is packed with hard cardio...and I mean packed. They didn't even give me any breaks to eat or pee!!! I will have to get creative.

I am watching The Biggest Loser from this week. Very cool that it is in DC! Tracey drives me nuts...she is a big bucket of crazy!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

CardioRetail Anyone?

Today was a good day. They dunked me and I found out that I have lost 2.5% of my body fat -- which is a good start.

Adrien came back to the gym and did my first couple workouts with me. Then I rearranged my schedule for the day so that we could just get out and spend some girl time together. We had lunch outside (I ate my pre-packaged, approved lunch) and then went and did some "Cardio Retail"...yes that means shopping! I bought some new workout pants at LuLuLemon because mine were falling down all morning. These are my first from LLL because I have never been able to fit in their clothes!! Their tops are still too snug...but I picked out a few things that I will be back for in a few weeks! Then we just walked around and shopped in Santa Monica (see... cardio/walking and retail/shopping). I also bought some great lavender bath products to luxury-up my epsom salt baths. After our girl time, I went back to the gym for another 3 1/2 hours of training.

On a separate note, for those of you who have expressed concern over whether or not we will be able to enjoy a cup of coffee together or a bottle of wine in the future...have no fears!! I am, and always will be, a big believer in MODERATION. The reason I am off the caffeine while I am here is primarily because it dehydrates and dehydration is the number one reason people get injuries. I am off the wine...well...I guess that one is obvious (sleep, empty calories, slowing your metabolism....I'll stop there as it is too depressing!!). But yes, my goal is to come home, continue to loose weight by living life in moderation.

I must now go to bed because they put in a spin class tomorrow that is 11/2 hours and led by the owner of the gym. This class has made many grown men (and even women ;-) ) cry. I think they are crazy for putting me in it already....but I'll give 'em what I've got!! BTW...the calf is feeling better!

Monday, November 2, 2009


I have survived one more to go. Today, my friend Adrien came to visit from DC. It was SO good to see a familiar face!!! She hung out and worked out with me for a few hours today and she will do the same tomorrow...just the boost I needed! Thanks A!! is a rundown of some of my achievements...granted, this is more for myself to go back and read on really hard days, than it is for you all!

  • 15 pounds ...lost 6 last week!!!
  • I am getting dunked again tomorrow to see how many actual pounds of fat I have lost and how many pounds of lean muscle I have gained
  • 20 inches...gone!!

  • No alcohol
  • No caffeine (no coffee, tea, diet got it)
  • No artificial sweeteners
  • No processed food
  • No sweets
  • No fried food (yes...that includes french fries)
  • Have not worn make-up (yay!)
  • Have not worn anything but workout clothes (except jeans and a t-shirt once) (also very nice!)
  • Have not worn heels or even shoes -- only sneaks and flops (very, very nice!)
  • Have not slept past 7:30 AM (usually up at 6 or 6:30)
  • Have not gone to bed past 10:00 PM (usually in bed at 9:00PM)

  • Worked out EVERYDAY (except yesterday) - typically for 5-7 hours
  • Been very sore, stiff and had minor injuries (see bullet #1)
  • Discovered muscles that have remained unknown to me for 42 years
  • SWEAT more than I even thought humanly possible
  • Improved my strength -- upper and lower body and core (yay core!)
  • Improved my endurance (still working on it...but it is improving)
  • Gained an understanding of my heart rate patterns and how to manage them (even w/o a monitor)
  • Stuck to my eating cheats... started at 1500 calories per day...rapidly moved down to 1200
  • Learned how much I am capable of doing (physically)
  • Become a cyclist
  • Focused only on myself and my goals...finally
  • Learned, and now cherish, the value of a good night's sleep
  • Found my inner athlete
...and did I mention... 15 pounds and 20 inches....Buh-Bye!!

Thanks for sharing in my ups and downs and helping me get through my first month. You will never know how much your support helps me get through the hard times!!!! I raise my glass of unsweetened tea to you all...and toast to great month and an even better month ahead!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Little Voices

Made a big mistake today...I "popped" into the grocery store to buy some Vitamin 10 water on an empty stomach! To make it worse, I entered on the side with all of the prepared foods and gourmet cheeses!!! I heard all these little voices begging me to take them home with me...promising how happy and comforted they could make me feel!!! UGH!

I left with three Vitamin 10s and two bottles of flavored seltzers -- trying to give myself a break from regular water, regular water with electrolytes and unsweetened tea. I also went to the health food store and purchased all of the vitamins and supplements that the nutritionist recommended. She even told me brands to buy to ensure the ingredients are whole and healthy.

So now I am going to be taking...
1) Power Multi Vitamin (made from whole foods)
2) Calcium/Magnesium
3) D3
4) Fish Oil
5) CoQ10
6) Probiotics
7) Baby aspirin
...and my daily doses of ibuprofen so that I can move.

I also bought some new sneakers today. While I am a pretty loyal Asics wearer, I bought a pair of Brooks to try out. My two new pair of sneakers that I brought out here are trashed! On my way home from all these errands, I had to pass TWO Starbucks....the voices were back!!! I beat them away by drinking one of my Vitamin 10s.

In honor of my one month here at camp (Monday), I had planned on taking Sunday off and going to the Ritz Carlton for a spa day. Sadly, now the only way I feel like treating myself is SLEEPING. So I am taking Sunday off and....sleeping, recovering, relaxing...and did I mention sleeping???

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ready for the Weekend!!!

So happy tomorrow is Friday!!!!! My calorie burn is still struggling, but I am hoping that by the end of the weekend my calf will heal. I was not cleared to do the Santa Monica Steps tomorrow. Instead, I am going for a 2 hour bike ride (yay me!) and several training sessions and circuits in the gym.

One of my friends here, Mariah, dislocated her shoulder today in one of the boot camps. She popped it back in place herself!!!! She is TUFF...she consults in something with military security. I am such a wimp compared to her. She has been right on target with her weight loss goals (she gained a bunch of weight after her last assignment in Baghdad). This past Monday she had only lost three and she was very disappointed. She weighed in again today...she has lost 7 pounds since MONDAY!!! Go figure.

Well...I am in the middle of my nighttime ritual...soak, ice, yada, yada, yada...thought you'd enjoy this photo so you can enjoy the experience with me. Those are my legs under
the peas. Next is Icy Hot!!
Hope all of you are getting ready for a fun Halloween!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

To Rest...or Burn???

My fourth week here is bringing me confidence in my workouts. I am now consistently working out with the level 2-3 people and have been able to intensify my own level in my workouts.

Unfortunately, week four has also brought my first injury. Fortunately, it is very minor. I have been struggling since Monday night's beach boot camp with a muscle spasm in my calf. When it is in spasm it is very painful. When I rest it and treat it well, it is fine. However the second I engage it again it starts to spasm. struggle is rest it and not come near my calorie burn goal. Or keep pushing and come close to my calorie burn goal. I know the right answer...I just don't want another weigh in like Monday!!

I have worked with my trainers to adapt most all of my workouts. Today I was even able to "kill it" during Cardio Boo Hoo Hoo Camp (it is nicknamed that for a reason!). I did the boot camp (on the elliptical instead or the treadmill) in place of climbing the mountain...which would have killed my calf. I have also been riding bike a lot in place of impact cardio workouts. The Santa Anna winds are blowing like crazy, which made my bike ride today super hard. I could not even coast because the wind would stop me...had to pedal HARD the entire 20 miles.

The two things that are really making my calf better are SLEEP (I have been getting 9 body needs it to recover) and the massage therapist. She is this little woman from Thailand...little but STRONG. She worked on my legs last night and today. Last night, She was actually walking on my legs!! Today she was tying my legs up like pretzels to get deep stretches! Painful...but SO helpful!!

The last two days I have only worked out 5 hours instead of the 7 in order to try and rest a bit. I am hoping to get back to the 7 tomorrow. Unfortunately...that also means my calorie burn has only been around 2700 instead of 3500 where it is supposed to be on a daily basis.

Good news of the day is that we had the YUMMY pizza. My slices keep getting smaller...but it is good, good, good!

Monday, October 26, 2009

I am the Turtle and Not the Hare I only lost three pounds. YES, I am frustrated. YES, I want to pack up and go home. But the simple reality is that my furnace does not burn as hot (or quickly) as it should and therefore I loose the weight at a slower pace. Hey...didn't the turtle win the race??!!

This is going to be a long, slow journey that will continue on long after I leave this place. Every other time I have started on it, I quit. NOT this time. I just have to adjust my thinking and focus on all of the positive outcomes that I am already noticing. My strength, endurance, fitness level, muscle tone, and my overall increased confidence with working out and understanding of what my body can do. I also have a great new hobby in biking...and with some more practice I can add yoga and spinning.

All of this "sane" talk came out of a jet-fueled bike ride that I took right after my weigh in. A group bike ride was on my schedule. Well... I took my ipod that has about 4 hours of new workout music (thanks K), my frustration and my new love of riding ....and took off!! I was so far ahead of the rest of the group that I passed all of them on my return trip as they were still huffin it to the pier!! It was great...wind on my face, nothing but beach and ocean for as far as the eye could see, good music and plenty of time to have a serious conversation with myself. (plus I burned over 750 calories)

When I returned I had several people touch base with me -- like my coach, nutritionist, and even the owner of the gym. All had good bits of advice...and all asked about my thyroid. The nutritionist has given me a list of vitamins and supplements that she wants me to start taking...and she is changing my meal plan again. I am being moved to the "A" plan which is usually 1100 calories, but they are going to add an extra meal. So I will eat three 300ish calorie meals and two 200ish calorie meals per day. So my amount of calories per day is not changing, just the way I am taking them in.

My coach had analyzed my calorie burn for the amount of work I have been doing and noted that it is low...even for my age (thanks). We talked about what workouts I burn the most calories doing and she is modifying my schedule.

The owner of the gym just gave me a pep talk and told me his door is open if I want to talk more or if I have any questions. He also recommended a local doctor to have all of my hormone levels checked again...but I told him that I had just done so prior to coming to camp (and I am not about to spend another $1,000 for the blood panels that insurance won't cover!!!)

Other than all this drama...I had a great day of workouts. My energy level was good and my calorie burn is even up a bit ...not at the goal...but still up a bit for me.

Gotta go ice some minor strains (nothing serious Mom!)...then soak!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I Survived CPK!

I took a little break from blogging this weekend so I thought I would provide a quick recap. Nothing too exciting to report.

Saturday we had 4 hours of work outs and then I came home and relaxed. Then about six of us went to California Pizza Kitchen to celebrate a birthday of one of the "campers" who I hang out with a lot. I did my homework prior to going out and did very well at my first restaurant challenge. I ordered the BBQ Chicken Salad (which is one of my favorites) -- I ordered a half portion with the dressing on the side and a club soda with lime. I only ate half of the salad and was satisfied. Everyone else at the table ordered PIZZA!! And sodas!!!! And dessert!!!! The woman whose birthday it was had calculated the calories she was going to consume and "saved" that amount through the day and day before. Everyone else...well, that's between them and the scale!

Today, we only had two hours of workouts (yay!!). I took the rest of the day OFF! I had a long week and have been really stiff and sore (and still am today). So, I took the rest of the day to chill. I caught up on some work, talked with some friends and family and did laundry...I even took a little nap!!

I am headed to bed in hopes of getting a full nine hours! Weigh in tomorrow morning...positive thoughts....positive thoughts...positive thoughts...

Oh .... as a P.S. ... In our nutrition class on Friday I learned that not only does alcohol slow your metabolism (which I knew), it slows it for up to 72 hours!!!!! I guess that means that my metabolism might pick back up right around my 75th birthday!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Trying to Keep the Faith

I am tired, sore and hungry...oh, that sounds just like all my other posts. I am not feeling any lighter or smaller this week. Two women that I work out with each only lost 1 pound this week. I just don't get it. How can you burn 3500 calories a day and only eat 1200 and NOT loose weight???? Anyone? Anyone?

On a more positive note, I climbed the Santa Monica Stairs today...NINE times! That tops my record by two. I am really learning how to manage my heart rate during my workouts, allowing me more endurance. I also did some interval running and was not completely winded.

Week three is coming to an end...fingers crossed for Monday's weigh in and measurements. I have faith in myself (which is a nice change in the health and fitness department), but am trying to keep faith in the program.

P.S. .....I REALLY miss my sweet doggy!!!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Coach Swap

While we are trained by all the trainers throughout the week, they assign one coach who is supposed to be our "go to" -- whether it is for support, encouragement, working through challenges or just general info. It is the coach's job to know what our goals are and to help us work toward them.

The trainer they had assigned me just doesn't seem to give a crap about anybody. The most encouragement I have ever hear come out of her mouth is "you've got this" during one of my workouts. I have never seen her drop an ounce of sweat in the gym even though she is known for brutal workouts (and they are). When I had gained weight my first week...she didn't say a word to me!

I talked with the head trainer tonight, who I have worked out with a ton over the last week and a half. She is really hard BS...but still has a great personality. I really like her style...and she leads by example. I have seen her just tearing up a workout on her own when we have free gym time. I asked if she would consider taking me on and she said "I would love a matter of fact, I was going to ask you if you wanted to switch." I am really happy about it...even though she is also known as one of the toughest trainers. That is what I'm here for!

Other than that, it was a typical, spinning, cardio boot camp, two training sessions and 30 minute of boxing -- ALL level 2-3!!

Couple of stories about some of the other members.

One guy went out on a binge this past weekend. He ate at a ton of restaurants/fast food joints and was out himself!!! More annoying...he still lost 2 lbs (instead of the 12 he lost the week before)!

We have had about five or six new people start over the last week. One woman, who told me she was 44 (but she looked much older), was in such shock over the workouts that she picked up and left after a day and a half...NO refund!!

Now, I am not saying that I have not had the urge to do either of these things, but I HAVE not...and WILL not. It really helps to have the support system that I came here with (you all) and the support system I have built here. I have chosen to surround myself with the most motivated people and of the best coaches.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

One of THOSE People

Yummy... just had a great dinner. Halibut with ponzu sauce on top of a green onion pancake. The food is really good. They make a pizza that is INSANE!! Of course, I only get a small piece :-(

Today was another LONG day. I hiked the mountain -- shaved 10 minutes off my time to the top. The hike is really hard, but I like it. The views are great. The next level people do what they call Bike, Hike, Bike. Just like it sounds...they bike to the mountain (I think it is like 18 mls), then do the hike, then bike back home!!! I'm scared of that one showing up on my schedule!!!

After the hike and lunch, I had an hour of cardio on my schedule (before 2 circuits and a boot camp). I asked the head trainer if I could go for an hour and half bike ride instead. She agreed and said that she likes to see us getting out of the gym. She also recommended that I go North toward Santa Monica (which I actually have not done yet). It was a fun ride...lots to look at through Venice Beach. As I was riding along ... in the middle of a weekday, I remembered all the times I have looked outside my office window and seen people running/biking/picnicing along the river. I always say "Who are these people???" And "Don't they work???" I smiled brightly when I realized...I am one of THOSE people!!!

'bout time!!!

Sleep is a Wonder Drug!

Wow...I slept about 15 hours yesterday!! I woke up this morning recharged, feeling good and ready to go!! I think my body was trying to tell me...HELLO...can we get a break here?!? So today I tackled all level 2-3 workouts and did pretty darn well, if I do say so myself!! I was most proud of Cardio Boot Camp. I did the ENTIRE workout without breaks and at the levels and intensity that the trainer was calling out!!! Thanks for the pep talk via e-mail Koren!

That success set the tone for a very positive day. I didn't even mind my meeting with the therapist. She is actually starting to listen more and get to know me...therefore being able to provide better insights that are helpful.

The last workout of the day was a 90 minute boot camp. None of the men scheduled to attend showed up, so it was a group of six women. All six of these women are the people that I have started getting close to here at camp. We are all in the same boat and are serious about the program. Most of them will be here for close to my entire duration. One woman is leaving this Friday. She came to visit for a bit tonight after the workouts. She is a Brit, very witty and endearing. She runs a similar facility back in the UK. Her program seems to be more intimate with only 8 guests at a time. We talked for awhile about running our own businesses and the toll it can take on our personal life and taking care of ourselves. We even discussed longer term strategies to overcome those challenges. I like her...sad that she is leaving on Friday.

Well...I am going to hit the hay...have to climb the mountain tomorrow!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Good,The Bad and The Tired

Well, I think I jinxed myself by gossiping about others being lazy. Today started out great...I lost SIX pounds!! I am very happy with a six! But then the day took a turn...I was about 2/3 through my morning cardio boot camp (basically 60 minutes on the treadmill at different speed least favorite workout) and I felt very sluggish and as if my muscles just had nothing in them. Then I started feeling nauseous. I tried to push through but did not make it. I ended up coming home early today. I crawled into bed around 2:00 and just woke up. I am not sure what is going on with me. Either I needed a rest day or I have a bug of some sort.

One of the other campers just dropped off my schedule for looks like they are giving me a crack at Level 2/3! All of my workouts are with the 2/3s! I am proud of myself....but also very nervous. Their workouts are much harder (believe it or not). I hope that after a good night of sleep I am ready for them!!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Breaking in the Giant!

Have I mentioned that I LOVE Sundays??? I slept in until 8:15 (yes, sadly, that is my new definition of sleeping in), then had a two hour workout at the gym which was my only required workout today. After lunch I decided it was time to break in the "Giant" (new bike), so I went on a 25 mile bike ride with a few of the other campers along the beach...I loved it. Did not even feel like a workout even though I burned more than I did in my two hour gym workout!! My bike is great. I have another ride on my schedule for tomorrow.

So...I have been trying to figure out how to describe the people here. They basically fall into four categories.

1) Paying Their Own Way and Serious

This is the group that attend everything on their schedule, eat exactly what they are told to eat and actually add additional workouts. This group consists of people in their mid thirties to the few old farts like me. (there are only five of us in our forties...across all of these categories!!)

2) Paying Their Own Way and Lazy (or just not focused)

These are the people that I REALLY don't understand. These people are also in their mid-thirties to mid forties. They have paid their own way, left their lives and families...and just half-ass it...if the show up at all!! They only go to the activities that appeal to them. Hopefully, I will never fall into this category.

3) On Mom & Dad's Tab

This group is largely made up of twenty-somethings into early thirty somethings. This is the largest group here...probably 2/3 of the members (or "campers"). Sometimes they show up, sometimes they work but for the most part they just don't care. They are a bunch of tiddie babies (an expression taught to me by Patti, one of my high school/college friends -- it is a "dd" instead of a "tt" due to the Texan accent). All they do is whine and complain. They stay up all night hanging out at the apartments and gossiping about who likes who, who said what, and who is sleeping together. What is REALLY frustrating is they lose weight faster than I can gain it!!! Youth!!!

4) Pseudo Celebs - Not Paying AT ALL

I think I have mentioned this group queens, actors, athletes. The owner lets these types come and go as they please and thinks it makes good marketing sense. They don't bother me all that much. I just realized that one of them is Matt from the Bachelor from a few seasons ago -- he was the British one that pick the Lamos girl. No where near as good looking as he thinks he is!!

So that is a general (very) recap. While I am friendly to everyone, I mainly either keep to myself or to a few people who are in the first group. It is so important for me to remain focused and keep my environment positive. I try to surround myself with people who are a little more advanced so that I keep pushing myself.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Weigh-in and fitness test tomorrow at 7:30 AM!! Wish me luck, say some prays, do a weight loss get the idea!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Check Out My NEW Bike!!!

I bought a bike today!! I love it...I have not had a bike since I was in high school!!! Can't wait to go for a ride tomorrow.

I was dreading beach boot camp today...but ended up having fun. The trainers split us into two teams and sent us on "missions" on the beach. They assigned a team captain for each team....yep, I was one of them. Granted our team was the level 1/2 team vs. the 2/3 team...but still! Each of us had a walkie-talkie (do people still call them that??) and the trainers would give us commands that led us to treasures or clues that had our next activity (activities included things like jog for two minutes, do the Indian run to the next life guard stand, do 50 squats, 50 jumping jacks, etc). It was a fun way to get a great work out on the beach. Very clever!

I'm about to "reach out and touch" some friends and family! Miss you all!

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Little Things...

Today, one of the newer women here at camp told me that I am her workout inspiration!!! It made me feel so good! She said that she wants to be able to work as hard as I do and at the levels I am obtaining. I told her that after two weeks, she will be amazed at what she can do...and thank you of course!

I had a pretty good day. I am getting some great feedback from the trainers. Some of them are known for being really tough...I like them the best. I had three circuit trainings, an hour and a half of cardio (on my own), boxing (much fun!) and then...the Santa Monica Stairs (SMS) (cue scary music!!) The stairs where even harder today than last time because I did them last thing in the day after all my other workouts and it was HOT!! I only was able to complete 6 trips. I could have done another two, but we were out of time. On a fun note...Owen Wilson was working out on the SMS today...looks just like he does on screen...more fit than I would have thought.

After the SMS a few of us went bike shopping. I am going back tomorrow to test ride two of them - a Giant and a Razorback. If anyone knows anything about bikes or bike brands ...please give me the skinny. I am excited to get my own bike so that I can go on rides on the weekends to Santa Monica and to Manhattan Beach.

All I have left in week two is a two hour circuit training and a 2 hour beach boot camp tomorrow and a 2 hour gym circuit on Sunday. YAAAAAYYYYYYY! Then I have my next weigh in and measurements on Monday. I am already coaching myself to focus on what I am doing and not what the scale says -- he has never been my friend anyway!!

This program is so challenging and difficult (emotionally and physically) that it really is the little things -- a fellow camper or a trainer acknowledging my efforts, feeling stronger in workouts, not being so sore that I can't walk -- that get me through each day.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Clouds Are Lifting

This blog post is dedicated to all of you who have sent so much love and support my way. You have really been so fantastic. You have not only encouraged me, but reminded me of who I am, what I am made of and what I am capable of achieving....and that I am very blessed to have so many amazing people in my life! Thank you!!!!!

Today was a good day. Difficult as usual, but I felt strong and less daunted by the intensity. I hope this is the beginning of the turn around. I am now really just focusing on one workout at a time -- do my best, give it all I've got. The only downside is that I have not had a workout outside of the gym in two days. Tomorrow they had me scheduled for soccer...but am not sure if I want to go and play soccer with a bunch of twenty somethings. The last thing I need now is to get an injury! I also have the Santa Monica Stairs in the afternoon...need to save energy for those buggers! Other than that I have four group circuit classes in the gym, which are exhausting but I like them.

That is all for tonight...hope to write some more this weekend. I need to fill you in on all the people and the trainers....interesting stuff!

Thank you all again!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Strong Like Ox!

It may be no surprise, but I am managing very well on strength exercises....even though they are KILLING me. Cardio on the other hand....SOOOOO hard for me. It is my kryptonite!! So I am sending out a request for good cardio workout play list is already getting old and I have only been here for NINE days (that's right folks....knock another day off of week two!!)

Today, I was at the gym for 11 1/2 hours -- 7 SOLID hours of sweating!! Didn't think I would make it through the last boot camp tonight. We did a cross-fit challenge which was kinda fun -- but before and after every challenge we had to do a mile on the treadmill....NOT fun after all the cardio they made me do all day. It was raining all day -- so no mountain. The food cutback is no hungry.

That is about it for tonight....want to crawl in bed. I am getting so far behind on all my shows!!! Thank goodness I can record them all here and catch up on the weekends!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 8 ...Done

I am tired, aching, sore, black and blue, and tired. I just have to push myself through this week...everyone says it gets better if you can push through week two.

Weighed in again today -- the two pounds are gone -- but that is it. They dunked me again and the results were not helpful. Long story but basically they think the got a better reading on me because my body fat seemed low when they first did it. My food portions have been cut in half...I start them tomorrow.

We are supposed to climb the mountain again tomorrow, but we are getting a good bit of who knows. They have also added the evening boot camp to my schedule -- so instead of finishing at 5:00ish I will start going until 7:30.

One interesting tidbit of of the "beauty queens" that are here training is dating Levi Johnston -- Sarah Palin's daughter's (Crystal?) baby-daddy. The girl here is like 13 years older than him.

That's all...I am going to bed.

Monday, October 12, 2009

And the Rollercoaster Ride Begins....

I woke up today and it was very grey and cloudy outside -- turns out that nothing else would have been appropriate. I had a very hard day. It began with my first weigh-in -- I GAINED 2 pounds. Then the measurements, I lost 7 3/4 inches (an inch here, an inch there...). Now before any of you start to comment that "oh, you gained muscle" blah, blah, blah -- I know all of that in my logical head, but it does not make it any easier. They have already cut my meal plan and are planning to dunk me tomorrow to see what is going on with my lean muscle mass vs fat. They said that they are not worried because my inches lost was strong.

I proceeded to go through the morning workouts, fighting back tears and trying to just focus on my calorie burn. I completed all my workouts today, but am just exhausted. My last boot camp of the day was not my best. Even my massage hurt like HELL! Every muscle she tried to work made me want to jump off the table and scream!! I have heard from many people that days 7 through 10 are the hardest....based on today, I am not looking forward to the next few days.

One high note again was the bike ride. I went 20 miles under the allotted time. It was only really hard on some of the inclines...but I enjoyed it. I did have one minor run in with a cement column...nothing serious. I noticed that the only time I come close to wrecking on a bike is when I get scared or nervous....hmmmm might be something to think about in everyday life.

Another positive note was how supportive the other campers were when I told them about the gain. They were all very shocked and said that they have seen how hard I have worked over that last week and that there is nothing else I could possibly have done...and to hang in there.

So that's what I am doing...hanging in there...not that I have a real choice. Time to ice, soak, heat (already stretched) all know the drill by now.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday IS Funday!!

I woke up today after 10 hours of sleep and felt really good!! My muscles were still sore...but not painful. We had a "free-style" 2 hour circuit training -- which basically just means that they give you your workout and you can go at your own pace. I finished in two hours -- which is right on the mark! Then I got my schedule for tomorrow and it is packed! I have three hours of crazy in the gym (cardio circuits, partner training, etc), a massage (YAY!) a two hour bike ride and then a gym boot camp...for those of you counting (like me)...that is six hours of sweat!

Since I have not been on a bike (for more than a few pedals) in about 24 years, I signed out one of the bikes from the gym after I had my lunch. I rode it down and along the beach. I only rode for about an hour... but I had SO much FUN!!! I felt like a kid again!! I absolutely love doing all of these new activities. I am slowly dropping my fear of new physical activities and ignoring all my old excuses (I am too old, I am not athletic, I am too fat, I don't know how to do "that", I have never been good at "that"...etc). There are however a few activities here that still intimidate me...but I still have seven more weeks to conquer those!!!

The rest of my day is for laundry and I have some BRG work to do. I LOVE Sundays!

...spoke too soon

Curry chicken not so super...suspicious chicken

(see previous post)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I have a new boyfriend...

...his name is Icy Hot! And he is a DREAM!!! Today was a lighter day -- 2 hour beach boot camp (which everyone said was easier than usual...THANK YOU LORD!!) and 2 hours of circuit training. I am still crazy sore and am walking around like a 95 year old. Hopefully, I'll start feeling better by Monday when things get intense again. I got home around 3:30 today and had a chance to actually connect with some family and friends on the phone....much needed!! I miss my people!!! And don't get me started on my sweet baby. I had one of my throws sent from home and it smells like her -- makes me happy and sad at the same time!

The food is actually pretty good. They have us eating every 3-4 hours. I get to chose 4 meals from 6 options provided and then I get one protein shake. The options have been good -- lots of fish, chicken and other lean proteins plus a carb (rice, couscous, quinoa, potatoes) and veggies. Today they provided a sandwich bar at the gym between workouts -- it was yummy! Every option for a sandwich you could imagine...put Subway to shame. I had roast beef, marinated mushrooms, roasted red peppers and some kind of yummy sun dried tomato spread on wheat bread! My last meal tonight is a curry chicken with rice and veggies. I might have a different opinion after I have been eating their meals for several weeks...but for far so good!

One note about food prep that is not so pleasant. They enhance several foods with protein. Whatever they are using really STINKS! There is this constant odor from food that is left in the fridge at the gym....and it just lingers throughout our lounge area (by "lounge" I mean a cement floored room with a couple of tables for meals and a couple of leather couches that look like they were picked up for a steal at a garage sale). Even worse....think of all the smelly people eating all this protein...that and the combined sweat of all those people! I am a long way from 612 S. Washington!!

That all for tonight....want to get 10 hours of sleep/recovery before tomorrow's workout!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Ice First, then Heat

So I didn't blog yesterday because I was beat, done, cooked, get it. I did not end up Spinning yesterday, instead the therapist met with me for the second time of the week (I think I would have preferred spinning). I guess she didn't like my answers on Monday. I have not decided what I think about her. Her approach is definitely not my style. She is a stare deep in your eyes, see your soul type...very granola. She has a tendency to put words in your mouth and try take you down a path that is not really on target. That said...eventually, she has some good insights. Time will tell.

I did however do some new things yesterday. Boxing -- liked it a lot...except for putting my hands in the nasty sweaty gloves....eeewwwww! I had several training sessions, did some additional cardio and then it was "Cardio and a Movie" night...just what it sounds like...they play a movie and we do cardio the ENTIRE time. By the end of Wolverine I just didn't care who killed who or experimented on who or why...I just wanted off the machines!!!!

Today was another good, but tough day. It started with the Santa Monica Stairs -- an old set of steep stairs with about 167 steps. I was very proud to do 7 ...that's right SEVEN trips up those suckers. I also went swimming today and apparently forgot how to swim freestyle without getting a snout full of water when I try to breath! BEST of the day was my MASSAGE!!!!! It was SOOOOO good.

Needless to say, pretty significant soreness has set in. I am very worried that I am not going to be able to walk tomorrow...or move for the matter...and we have a KILLER beach boot camp in the morning plus two hours of cardio circuits (it is a short day). Every night I come home and ice the daylights out of every muscle from my butt to my toes. Then I get in a tub full of Epsom Salt (my new BFF), I take Advil throughout the day/night, and tonight I am also using the heating pad for extra sore areas. If anybody reading has any other tips...PLEASE SHARE!

I have so many other things to share but I have to eat dinner (we have to eat every 4 hours on the dot) and then I plan to go to bed ( 9:00 on a Friday night). Hopefully I'll have some time this weekend to blog more about the food...people...etc.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Climbing Mountains...literally

Today activities included me hiking 2 miles up a VERY steep mountain and 3 miles back down. Can you say fish out of water??? Then I had another 2 1/2 hours of training -- circuits and cardio. Again, I am very proud of myself for my performance today. On the way up that mountain I just kept telling myself...mind over matter...mind over matter. The other significant note of today was...I sweat SO much!! Honestly, I think I sweat out wine that I drank last week!! (sorry...gross....but I think true!)

I was not that sore today...but am kind of dreading how I am going to feel tomorrow. My schedule tomorrow is BRUTAL...they put me in a Level 2-3 Spinning class....WHAT??? I have never done spinning in my life and they are going to start me at a Level 2-3??? Well, then again, I had never climbed a mountain before either. :-)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I Survived (day one...anyway)!!!!!

For those of you hounding me to post...I just got Internet in my apartment. So here is a recap of my first two days.

Day One

I ended up not working out on day one because by the time I arrived, waited around (2x) for the Camp staff to come for me and did all of my measurements and was time for nighttime boot camp (which is for Levels 2 and 3 -- more on that in a moment). I learned several things.
  • I am overweight (which I knew)
  • My measurement were frightening
  • My % body fat was actually lower than I thought (since in the past, it was tested in less accurate ways - here they dunk you which is the most accurate measurement)
  • My fitness level is not so hot, which I pretty much knew -- BUT when I got my schedule for day 2...they had set my level at 1/2!!!! 1/2!!!!!! ( they have three levels - 1, 2, 3) ...a 1/2!!!!!
  • Oh, and apparently, I am old! This camp is filled with 20 and 30 somethings...and I should clarify, mid-thirty somethings!

My apartment is bare bones...feels very much like the apartment I lived in my third year of college. I have already sent word for some "emergency supplies to be sent to me (ie towels, a big throw to cover the couch, etc). I do give them props for the bed and the TV.


Well, of course today I woke FULL of anticipation and nerves. But I have to say, I am proud of what I delivered. I worked out for 5 1/2 hours today and NONE of it was easy. Workouts this morning included yoga ( did well...but need much more "flow" to my practice) and a long walk on the beach (which I smoked...was definitely sweating and huffin it...but made great time and completed it). THEN I had three hours straight of workouts after lunch. I will be honest and tell you that at many points I thought I might die. I also thought...what in the world have I gotten myself into. I had two, one hour boot camps...both PAINFUL...but I did really well and did not wimp out on anything....not that they let you. In between the boot camps I had an hour of intense cardio (treadmill, elliptical and bike - 20 minutes of intervals on each). With all of this...I only burned 3500 calories. I say only because many people were up over 4000. I guess that is where being a 42 year old woman with marginal thyroid numbers comes into play. I will just have to keep pushing.

The group that I do most of my workouts with is very nice. The campers as a whole are great...very helpful, encouraging and they all can relate. I did find out that I am NOT a 1/2... I am a 1 - 2 -- meaning depending on the workout I am either a 1 or a 2. SO much better than being a HALF!!!

Sorry this is a long post...trying to capture two days! I am going to run now...need to soak in epsen salt and then watch Biggest Loser...wonder if I will still like it, or if it will give me flashbacks of today...?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Does Prada Make a Backpack?

One of my many lists contains items that I need to bring to "camp". As I proceeded to check the boxes off that list, I came across the recommendation to bring a backpack....uhm.....a backpack??? Now considering when I grew up we used book bags for school supplies and back packs were for camping...I was at a loss. So, I asked several cooler, younger people in my office what I needed to buy....they pointed me to North Face.

Today, I received my pretty new red North Face backpack. One of my good friends/partners in crime (namely, much damage to credit cards at Saks, Niemans, etc) happened to have stopped by my office to say hello. As I proceeded to pull my new backpack PROUDLY out of the box....she just howled..."From Prada to North Face...what is next?!?"

It was a GREAT question....stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Making a List...or Lists!! we go! So many people have suggested that I blog about my upcoming "adventure" that I thought...what the heck. I never thought that I would blog about forgive the potential lack of consistency...or humor.

I leave for CA in a week and a half. My emotions are swinging back and forth on a scale from thrilled, excited, anxious to terrified, doubtful and I CRAZY????

I have many lists that I am working to clear...four for the office (staff, clients, operations and business development), and one for each of the following Abby, Home, JL jewelry, Friends to see and of course....what to pack!

Stay tuned and I will try to share the ups, downs and in-between of my next few months. However...I am NOT promising any BEFORE and AFTER pics!!!